Windows instruction

1. Check if the installation program is missing

1) Check if the PC installation directory contains the 4 applications in the red box in the figure below. If one of them is missing, the program will not run normally. At this time, please check whether it is blocked by the anti-virus software installed on the computer.

2) If the computer has anti-virus software installed, when the program is running, the anti-virus software, such as "Computer Manager", will intercept the "nuts_setup.exe" file, which will cause the program to fail to install normally, as shown in the figure. At this time, you can process the anti-virus software, first check the "Do not remind" checkbox, and then select to allow all operations of the program.

2. "360 Security Guard" interception processing

If the computer has 360 anti-virus software installed and the same file is blocked, you need to add the trust list to process it. The specific steps are as follows:

1) Start the 360 Security Guard main program and select the Trojan Killing option in the main program interface, as shown in the figure below.

2) Select the Trust Zone below on the Trojan Killing page and click to enter, as shown in the figure below.

3) Click the Add Trust File button to add all the files with the suffix .exe in the Nut Accelerator installation directory, and there will be no blocking prompts in the future. As shown in the figure below.

3. "Computer Manager" antivirus software interception and processing

After being intercepted, please check whether the computer has antivirus software installed. If the computer has installed "Computer Manager" antivirus software, the specific operation method is as follows:

1) Open this antivirus software, click the Computer Manager isolation area, find the file "nutsregproxy.exe" that was intercepted and placed in the isolation area, check and click to restore.

2) Check "Add to Trust Zone" and click OK

3) It shows that the file has been successfully restored, and run the Nut Accelerator startup file.

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